Zankyou no terror episode 4 summary
Zankyou no terror episode 4 summary

zankyou no terror episode 4 summary

No doubt that after Nine and Twelve escaped the institute they lived on the streets too. Lisa is similar to Nine and Twelve in a lot of ways.

zankyou no terror episode 4 summary

Everything about Twelve and Lisa in this episode was perfect. Nine releasing an information bomb for the police force underestimating them for being teenagers, and Twelve “rescuing” Lisa from police officers that were going to take her home is going to remain in viewer’s minds for a while. The last five minutes of the episode is some of the best all season. They are here to change the world, even if we still don’t know their real motives yet. The information bomb that exposed their entire investigation and twitter account served a dual purpose: to make the public realize that they are nowhere near close to discovering the truth and realize that Sphinx are not to be taken as a joke. They are no closer to finding them than when the bombings first started. The lesson learned this episode is that the police do not have a handle on the situation. A further juxtaposition between the two is Shibazaki moving back into his office in the archives away from the other detectives.

zankyou no terror episode 4 summary

Meanwhile, Shibazaki is exploring where they were, what they did, and what they saw – something the rest of the police force don’t feel is necessary. He spent the episode getting into the terrorist’s head, playing the riddle game that Nine set up for him, despite Hamura’s ravings of it being a waste of time. How they can have that mindset knowing that they stole plutonium, bombed a building to the ground, and shut down a whole neighborhood by themselves beyond me. This mindset is something that the whole police force shares. Hamura is determined to prove to Shibazaki that they are just a couple kids that should not be taken seriously. This episode further explored the difference between Shibazaki and the rest of the police force, particularly hot-headed Hamura. I can’t shake the vibe that nothing good will happen to our three protagonists. She is a girl caught up with people that can empathize with her, but are not the best people for her. She wants to destroy the world, but does not know how. Lisa continues to be the most complex character in the cast. This time, it is her trying to navigate the streets after running away from home. The show continues the pattern with starting the episodes off with Lisa. Slowly, we are seeing new developments arrive, even if the pace might not show it. However, it continues to build on the characters and avoids falling into the same monotony of an explosion going off at the end of every episode. Episode 4 continued the slow, methodical pace that this series has had from the beginning.

Zankyou no terror episode 4 summary