Fabfilter pro q 2 vs equilibrium
Fabfilter pro q 2 vs equilibrium

Is there enough overlap to make owning both of these plugins redundant? I'm curious how these two VST's compare and contrast. Upon first glance, I still prefer Fabfilters interface. However, I have heard a lot of good things about DMG's audio equilibrium. What I tested felt very 'experimental' and not convincing.

fabfilter pro q 2 vs equilibrium

Perhaps if the Equilibrium was made more bug free and smooth it could qualify as a 'testing' plugin or 'educational' plugin. The Equilibrium is not nearly as user friendly and nice to use as Pro-G. Question is if they have tried a little too hard. Seems they want to do EVERYTHING in one plugin. I did try the evaluation version of the DMG Equilibrium the other day. The plugin market is flooded by nonsense products (warm/tube/vintage etc and similar stupidities) and the FabFilter products

fabfilter pro q 2 vs equilibrium

If you have a question or video suggestion leaving a comment is the best way to get me to see it, I try to. If you like my videos and want to support please consider checking out the links below. We have thouroughly tested it and my feeling is that the FabFilter Pro-Q is a very well designed product. I own the Pro-Q and I am very happy it, I use it for demanding orchestral work (filmscore / TV etc).

Fabfilter pro q 2 vs equilibrium